Partner of the week: Enda Inter-Arabe, Tunisia

Enda Inter-Arabe is a non-profit international development NGO created in 1990 in Tunis. It began its activity with ecological projects including the development of the Ichkeul National Park, and desertification. From 1993, the association dedicated itself to the sustainable and inclusive development of vulnerable populations in working-class neighbourhoods. 

Today, Enda inter-arabe works to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, at all ages, by promoting creativity, social responsibility and the financial empowerment of marginalized populations. Operating on a local and national scale, Enda acts for a more just, equitable, plural and inclusive society through its awareness-raising, training, support and social and citizen mobilization actions. It contributes to the reduction of poverty and regional and social disparities through the implementation of programs targeting young people, women and children, with particular attention to micro-entrepreneurs.



Our Partnership  

Enda Inter-Arabe has been a partner of Aflatoun since 2018 to promote social and financial education among children and young people. Together, we have been working on several programmes, including National Integration. 

In fact, in February 2024 a second workshop was conducted by Enda in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education represented by its General Directorate, brought together 50 participants, including teachers, inspectors, and educational teams.

The workshop was an opportunity to present the results of the evaluations of the dynamics of aflatoun clubs in terms of impact on students, teachers, and the school environment in general. Now, the work teams are hard at work to launch the 2nd pilot phase of the financial and social integration project in school programs, scheduled for the end of February 2024.

J’ACTIF: A Learning Cycle to Empower Young Adults

Young people aged between 15 and 29 comprise 24% of Tunisia’s population. Covering the 30-34 age group, this percentage rises to 32.76%. They are currently faced with numerous challenges that hamper their abilities and potential as agents of change and development. Dropping out of school, unemployment, addictions, violence, irregular migration and extremism, social exclusion, moral fragility and psychological vulnerability: these challenges stand in the way of our young people’s contribution to development and change in our society. 

That is why Enda inter-arabe has initiated the J’ACTIF programme, which targets young people and adults aged between 16 and 35 experiencing multidimensional and cumulative vulnerability. J’ACTIF is more than a training programme; it’s a learning cycle that starts with:

  • a five-day basic training workshop structured around three axes: (I) Self-discovery for individual and social refocusing; (II) Economic emancipation to find a place for oneself in the job market and escape economic dependence and/or job insecurity; and (III) Empowerment for self-motivation and action.
  • Ensures follow-up by drawing up an inventory of support
  • Sets up a programme to guide young people towards
    specific support pathways.

J’ACTIF helps young people in vulnerable situations to (re)build their identity, to achieve social and economic
independence and to make decisions and take action.