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Yousra Hamed

Yousra Hamed currently serves as Financial Inclusion Expert in International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Social Finance Programme at its Geneva headquarters. As the coordinator of the ILO’s International Financial Education Programme, she is leading ILO’s work in the Financial Education sphere. Before joining the ILO, she was a Researcher and a University Lecturer. Her research interests and publications are related to issues of efficiency measures, informal economy, micro-enterprise financing and development with a focus on the MENA region where she has done extensive field work and analysis.

Her current interest and work relate to: linkages between access to finance and decent work in the framework of social performance, initiatives with social partners to enable access to finance to their members, inclusive finance for forcibly displaced persons, in situations of post conflict or post disaster.

She holds a Ph.D. in Economics with a specialisation in Microfinance, an M.A. in Economics from Université Paris, and a B.A. in Financial Management.