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Rob Becker

Rob Becker is the Chairman of Aflatoun International. When Rob was a partner of McKinsey & Company, he was the lead partner on a pro-bono client engagement with Child Helpline International. During this period he was working closely together with Jeroo Billimoria, the founder of Aflatoun. Jeroo subsequently invited Rob to join the board of Aflatoun at its inception in 2005.

Rob has extensive experience as an executive in the insurance sector. He now holds a number of supervisory board positions, such as the Chairman of the board of the Red Cross hospital in the Netherlands, a member of the non-executive board of AXA UK and a member of the Supervisory Board of the University of Amsterdam. Earlier, he was also a board member of the Netherlands Financial Conduct Authority (AFM) and the Chairman of an occupational health company.

Why Aflatoun International?

I am extremely excited to be a member of the Aflatoun family as I strongly believe that the Aflatoun approach is highly effective and cost-efficient. Empowering children and adolescents is essential to ensure a fairer and more sustainable world for future generations.

What is your focus as a board member?

As the chairman, I have the honour of stewarding the health and long-term sustainability of the organisation as well as working with others to make sure ambitious growth targets are met.

Why is social and financial education important?

Social and Financial skills are a prerequisite for all of us to turn dependence into independence and break the cycle of poverty.

What do you like most about Aflatoun? 

Aflatoun International comprises a diverse team of incredibly enthusiastic professionals who work to make the world a better place by improving the well-being of children. It is an honour to work with them. 

How do you see the future of Aflatoun International?

I am very optimistic about the future of Aflatoun. As long as we continue to adapt and improve ourselves, as we have demonstrated to be able to do in the past, we will thrive. The need for social and financial education is almost limitless.

Please share a motto or quote close to your philosophy of life?

You have to be the change you want to see and Aflatoun embodies this change.