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Rishad Byramjee

Rishad Byramjee is the representative from Aflatoun’s parent organisation MeljolMeljol is also one of the biggest Aflatoun programme implementors. 

Rishad Byramjee is the Treasurer of MelJol’s Board and is part of the Finance Committee. Mr. Byramjee is the Group CEO at Casby Logistics since March 1997 and spearheads all new logistics ventures for the organisation, along with looking after the day-to-day operations of all existing businesses. He is also responsible for all new port-related ventures of the company along with formulating various strategies and future expansions. 

Mr Byramjee is on the board of various international and public limited companies. He completed his masters in Logistics & Supply Chain Management from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. 


Why Aflatoun International?  

Aflatoun International is a perfect platform to make a difference to the children of the world. Economic, social and financial stability and literacy are some of the foundations for building a nation and a global community as a whole. It is this vision that helps Aflatoun change the fortunes of children all over the world. 


What is your focus as a board member?  

To integrate best practices and experiences from all over the Aflatoun Network and build out a truly global and scalable value proposition for children. 


Why is social and financial education important? 

To become an integral and responsible member of society, one must contribute to both, building a better world philosophically and emotionally, as well as contributing to its economic prosperity. Being educated gives you the tools to contribute, evolve and survive in a fast-changing world. 


What do you like most about Aflatoun? 

An all-encompassing sense of passion flows through each and every person affiliated and involved with the programme. 

How do you see the future of Aflatoun International? 

I hope to see it in the future with three simple words “Evolving, Innovating, Succeeding!!” 

 Who is a hero of yours? / A motto or quote close to your philosophy of life? 

“You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you” – John Bunyan 

“Strength does not come from physical capacity; it comes from an indomitable will” – Gandhi