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Raya Raeva

Raya Raeva is a human rights campaigner and activist with more than 5 years of communications experience including journalism, editing and social media management.  

Prior to joining Aflatoun, Raya worked as a Communications Specialist at the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee – country’s biggest and most prominent human rights organisation. She led a number of campaigns and initiatives concerning violence against women, women’s rights history in Bulgaria, and LGBT+ rights and equality.  

Raya is the co-author of Vagina Matters, an illustrated book on sexual health for girls, published in English and Bulgarian. She was selected as a Forbes Bulgaria 30 Under 30 in Social Entrepreneurship for 2020. Raya has an MA in New Media & Digital Culture from Utrecht University. She joined the Aflatoun family in April 2020. 

Why Aflatoun International? 

Aflatoun International is built on a social franchise model which is something I really like. This makes it possible to work with more than 300 partners from all around the world and adjust the curricula to their needs and local experiences. I believe in a better future for all. I also believe that education is a right that should be affordable and accessible to all. 

What is your role in the organisation?  

I work as a Communications Consultant. I support the Communications team in developing and producing communications materials for a number of campaigns to advance the organisation’s mission of providing social and financial education for all children and young people. 

Why is social and financial education important? 

The world in which we live in is getting more complex and interconnected than ever before, and it will require diverse responses and set of skills. I believe the response of social and financial education to these challenges will play a key role in shaping a better future for young people and their communities.  

What do you like most about Aflatoun International? 

My team! I’m truly blessed and grateful to have them around. 

What is something NGOs have to deal with that you want to fix? 

Educational NGOs need to listen more to the communities they represent and most importantly should actively involve youth in critical decision-making. 

How do you see the future of Aflatoun International?  

I’m excited to see Aflatoun’s network growing and us learning from each other. 

Please share with us a motto or quote close to your philosophy of life. 

“The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day; a movement is only people moving.” – Gloria Steinem.