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Paul Moclair

Paul is Irish and has a background in teaching, mostly in Asia. He holds a Master’s Degree in Theatre for Development and spent several years doing theatre for development projects with UNICEF and other UN bodies in West Africa and Palestine. 

He joined Aflatoun in 2008 and spent seven years in the Amsterdam office in charge of training, and heavily involved in curriculum development and writing. In 2015, his wife Lucy completed a PhD and found work at University of Ulster in Belfast. Since then, Paul has been working from Ireland as a consultant but remains heavily involved with Aflatoun training and curriculum projects. He likes cooking, running and playing the mandolin. And otters.  

Why do you work for Aflatoun International?  

Because it’s fun and its unique. No other NGO I know has our vibe or personality. 

What is your role at the organisation? 

I usually take the lead in training. I’m from a teaching background so I love teachers. I also write lots of curriculum. 

How would you explain what you do to a 5-year-old?  

I make school fun so your teacher smiles and you learn more. 

Why is social and financial education important?  

Because children are their own best line of defense in a frightening world. We need to give them tools that will enable them to become the best possible versions of themselves. 

What do you like most about Aflatoun International 

The sense of family, community, tribal belonging. 

What is something NGOs have to deal with that you want to fix?  

Inadequate training, support, resources and status for teachers. 

How do you see the future of Aflatoun International?  

Being headquartered in the global south. 

Please share with us a motto or quote close to your philosophy of life.  

He not busy being born is busy dying.