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Patricia Fafa Formadi


Patricia Fafa Formadi is a Development Practitioner and a teacher with 35 years of experience. She is the founder and director of New Dawn for Social Development and has a rich experience in gender mainstreaming, financial education/literacy, leadership for change, governance, sexual and reproductive health education, and women’s rights among others. She also lectures in Gender, Personal and Family Resource Management at the University for Development Studies, Ghana. She was the Executive director of the Women and Development Project for 10 years and developed a microfinance programme for women as a Programme Officer for the same organisation between 1997 to 2000.

As a board member of Aflatoun International representing the Anglophone African region, she works with the Programme Manager on issues relevant to the development of the programme in Africa. She supports partner organisations in the region with capacity building and prospective partners with preparations to be a part of the Aflatoun network.

Why Aflatoun International?

Aflatoun is an organisation that is enthusiastic to support children and youth to find meaning in their lives. It aims to inspire them to identify their talents and develop social and financial skills to change their lives for the better and make an impact on society.

What is your focus as a board member?

My focus is to reach children and young people with social/life skills and financial education/literacy skills so that they are able to manage their lives better and make the world a better place for the next generation.

Why is social and financial education important?

Social and Financial Education is very important because it defines who we are now and who we will be in the future. Our interaction with people and the world and environment depends on how developed we are socially. Knowledge and skills that we attain have an impact on our attitude, behaviour as well as our well-being.

What do you like most about Aflatoun?

I like the strategy of Aflatoun “catching them young” as they grow. Children and young people will not depart from what they have learnt: the methodologies that are used to facilitate the learning processes, tapping the knowledge from known to the unknown, the creativity and fun associated with learning.

What is something education NGOs have to deal with that you want to fix?

The methodology that is adopted in teaching must be changed to facilitation. Allowing a child to develop as an adult, and not forcing him/her to be an adult overnight.

How do you see the future of Aflatoun International?

I see Aflatoun as a world movement of children and youth leading the way. Touching the lives of millions, especially the most vulnerable children and youth with Social and Financial Education.

Please share a motto or quote close to your philosophy of life?

All children and youth making meanings to their lives through the Aflatoun concept.

“Catch them Younger”
Radhakrishnan Pillai