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Margo Hoftijzer

Margo Hoftijzer joined the Supervisory Board of AflatounInternational in 2019. Margo is an international development economist. She advises governments and other stakeholders on policies and reforms to better match education and training with the needs of the current and future labour market and to better prepare children, youth and adults for the world of work. She is also regularly invited as a public speaker on this topic. 

Margo has worked globally, as a Senior Economist at the World Bank, and as an Advisor to the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her experience spans over 30 countries across the globe, including countries as diverse as the Central African Republic, Moldova, Morocco, Poland, Pakistan, and Rwanda. She has authored a diverse set of peer-reviewed studies on education, skills, and employment.  

Why Aflatoun International? 

I am passionate about Aflatoun’s mission to empower children and youth. Aflatoun is implementing a successful social franchise model that allows achieving this at scale.  

What is your focus as a board member?

My focus is on maintaining high quality and relevance of learning content and methods. AAflatoun continues to increase its reach, I help ensurthat Aflatoun programmes benefit those children and youth who need them most. 

Why is social and financial education important? 

Financial and social skills are crucial to enable individuals to lead healthy, happy, and productive lives. In many contexts, children and youth currently do not acquire enough of these skills. Therefore, extra efforts are needed to provide them with high quality social and financial education.  

What do you like most about Aflatoun?

Aflatoun combines its relevant mission with an innovative and globally recognised implementation model. Aflatoun’s social franchise model continues to foster a bottom-up approach that empowers on-the-ground partners worldwide. At the same time, Aflatoun engages with international partners and networks to improve collaboration and achieve higher impact. 

How do you see the future of Aflatoun International?

I see Aflatoun continuing to adapt and improve to provide well-designed and well-targeted financial and social education to increasing numbers of children and youth globally.

Please share a motto or quote close to your philosophy of life?

One person can make a difference.