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Gabriel Veras Guimaraes Barbosa

Gabriel Barbosa has been leading the Social Development function of ChildFund Brazil as Social Development Manager, since 2018. In this role, he is responsible for the implementation of programmes and projects at the national level with a focus on continuous learning, strong governance and innovation.

Mr. Barbosa started his career in the nonprofit sector in 1999, working for Plan International, Brazil where he has donned multiple roles as Sponsorship Coordinator, Programme Strategy Manager, Institutional Development Manager, and lastly as National Director. In 2017, he worked for two months as Head of Business Support Services in Plan International, Mozambique.

Over the years, Mr. Barbosa has gained experience working for local governments and other non-profit organisations on projects financed by international agencies such as CIDA, USAID and European Union (E.U.). His interest in social development is derived from his personal motivation to be involved with social work.

Mr. Barbosa graduated in Social Sciences and later on, completed his Master’s degree in Economics, with a specialisation in international business and relations.