Erika Szabóová has been working as a Programme Coordinator at the Open Society Foundation in Bratislava, Slovakia since 2018 and is a member of the REYN – Roma Early Years Network, a devoted UNICEF Global Parent.
After obtaining a degree in Public Administration and Rural Development, Ms. Szabóová started her career in her hometown Komárno, working in the local Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family. While working here, she also volunteered as a Junior Ambassador for the UNICEF Slovakia Child Friendly Schools Programme, to later become the Manager of the programme. Ms. Szabóová led the Slovak part of the EU/UNICEF campaign #EmergencyLessons and visited the conflict zone in Ukraine, Donbas. She considers this as one of the pivotal moments of her professional career and one of the reasons why she focuses on building democratic values and social understanding in her current job position.