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Elana Wong

Elana is currently one of the Communications Interns at Aflatoun. Originally from Malaysia and Singapore, she holds a BA in Liberal Arts from King’s College London and an MSc in Sociology and Global Change from the University of Edinburgh, where she co-founded an organisation working to challenge misconceptions around refugees and asylum seekers. After years of volunteering for grassroots NGOs and social initiatives, she left a job in consulting and moved from London to Amsterdam to pursue a full-time career in impact and development. Outside of Aflatoun, she also currently also co-leads the Migration Working Group for the Major Group for Children and Youth on a volunteer basis. She is passionate about human rights, social justice, the empowerment of women, youth, and migrant communities. 


What is your role at Aflatoun International? 

Communications Intern 

What do you like most about the organisation? 

How lovely and genuine everyone is- I really can’t imagine a warmer virtual welcome- and the real passion everyone has for empowering children and youth across the world.  

What do you get out of this internship?  

I’m gaining an understanding of NGO space and their functions, particularly in the unique social franchise model that Aflatoun maintains. I’m also learning how communications ties into both internal and external processes such as reporting and partner relations, as well as how it can effectively highlight key messages and the amazing work being done.  

Which of your accomplishments during this internship so far are you most proud of, and why?  

So far, I’m most proud of the campaign on Children and Youth Voices on the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlighted experiences and recommendations from Aflatoun programme students across the world, and was featured on hundrED. I was grateful to take the lead on the project, both creatively and substantively, as I’m very passionate about highlighting young people’s voices. I am also proud to have assisted Anastasiya in putting together the annual report, which has been a real labour of love and care!  

Why is social and financial education important?  

SFE is crucial as children and youth have such incredible potential for innovation, solution-building, compassion, and change. Providing them with these basic tools to do so is not only an incredibly scalable way to build these practical knowledge foundations, but also to harness young people’s ability to spread this knowledge to their friends, families and communities. The right to an education is fundamental to ensuring every child has the opportunity for a dignified, fulfilled life and SFE is a key part of that.  

Share with us a motto or a quote close to your philosophy of life.  

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” Martin Luther King