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Christiana Pedroni


Christiana is a Nicaraguan/Italian financial specialist with over 6 years of experience in the field. She began her journey in the United Nations’ World Food Programme in Nicaragua as its Budget and Programming Officer. For 3 years her role consisted of budgeting, financial monitoring as well as programming grants for the implementation of 5 country programmes, out of which the largest was the School Meals Programme.  Further, she has a brief background in early childhood education, creating a one-of-a-kind link to Aflatoun’s mission.

Additionally, Christiana holds a Law Degree and aims to support Aflatoun’s goals by combining her skills and her budgetary knowledge to contribute to the education, independence, and well-being of children worldwide.

Why do you work for Aflatoun International?

I think that Aflatoun offers a unique approach to education for children of all backgrounds. Financial education and social skills are vital in the world we live in, and having the opportunity to contribute to that, is amazing. Aflatoun provides a personalised approach to this goal, instead of a “one-size-fits-all” method, which means, the reality of each child is taken into consideration. That is beautiful.

What is your role at the organisation?

I am Aflatoun’s Programme Finance Manager. My main objective is to make sure the financials are run timely and transparently in order to provide top quality information externally and internally. The proper keepsake of financials not only provides the security that funding is being properly spent but also enables activities and implementation to run smoothly and make informed decisions can guarantee the achievement of promised deliverables to donors and target populations.

How would you explain what you do to a 5-year-old?

I make sure that the money we are given is spent in the best way.

Why is social and financial education important?

We live in a world where no one is an island. We require social skills to thrive and financial skills to bring us closer to making our dreams come true. Everybody deserves a fighting chance and social and financial education is a great way to have one.

What do you like most about Aflatoun International?

I have met some of the most amazing and inspiring women here. I learn from them every day.

What is something NGOs have to deal with that you want to fix?

I think, unfortunately, fundraising gets more challenging by the minute. Sadly, the matters hurting our societies are relentless be it: hunger, health, poverty, inequality or war. There are so many important causes to fight for and only so many resources. NGO’s have to deal with this and be creative in their way to ensure the resources to keep working for their goals.

How do you see the future of Aflatoun International?

I hope Aflatoun is able to continue growing. As we grow in reach, we must grow internally. This growth can allow us to continue contributing to communities in need.

Please share with us a motto or quote close to your philosophy of life.

“This too shall pass” … so get up and make the best of it.