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Assane Sankara

Born in 1966 in Ouavoussé/Kalsaka in Burkina Faso, Assane SANKARA is an international expert in the Education sector.

He obtained his degree from the National School of Primary School Teachers (ENEP) in 1989 in Loumbila, he pursued his studies at the African Insitute of Professionalisation and Management (IAPM) in Ouagadougou where he obtained his degree in Project Management and Local Development in 2008. Subsequently, he obtained his Master in Project Management and Development at the same insitute in 2010.

He started his career at the operational level in teaching in public schools, at the school for blind children of the National Union of Burkinabé Associations for the Promotion of the Blind and Visually Impared. Here, he also conducted several activities in favour of vulnerable adolescents and youth. Afterwards, he worked as the Coordinator of a multi-agents Programme ICCO in Burkina Faso for the professional training in Agro Business and Sexual Health and Reproductive Rights (SRHR) from 2012-2016.

Promoted at the strategic level, as Coordinator of the National Programmes, he ensured the planning of the NGO activities, the identification and implementation of the projects, the participation to interesting activities, the coordination of the programmes of the NGO. He also ensured the proper post-project evaluations as the Coordinator of the NGO CCEB-BF in Ouagadougou from 2016-2020.

During his progessional career, Assane obtained several certificates in the advocacy domain, to strengthen the capacities of NGOs and associations, in the domain of techincal assistance as well as of Social and Financial Education, such as the certificate in orientation and integration of social and financial education in teaching curricula in 2021 in Burkina Faso, and a certificate in strategic management of development projects in 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland.

From 2021 to the present, he is the Executive Secretary of the CCEB-BF. Therefore, he assumes the administrative management of the Executive Secretariat, the Coordination of projects and programs of the Executive Secretariat , Development of partnership with TFPs and State institutions, and the representation of the organisation.

As such, he contributed to building the capacities of regional and provincial committees in advocacy, networking, budget monitoring, results-based management, partnership development, etc.

Since May 2017, Assane has been the National Coordinator for the establishment of the Management Committee for Secondary Schools (COGES) for the Center East, East, North, Central Plateau and South West regions. He worked on the Project for Access and Improvement of the Quality of Education (PAAQE) financed by the World Bank.

From 2020 to the present, he is a member of the technical support team of the Emergency Support Project for Basic Education (PUSEB) financed by the World Bank for the establishment of Decentralized Management Committees for School Establishment (COGEDES) in the Central African Republic.

From July 27 to August 9, 2022 he was a member of the national consultation team for the development of the Partnership Pact of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Assane has also been a member of the Francophone Africa working group for the integration of social and financial education in the teaching curricula since July 2022 and a member of the Aflatoun Francophone Africa regional coordination office since 2018.