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Aaltje Veen

Aaltje Veen has a long history working with Aflatoun, and recently, she has joined us as Education Manager for Aflatoun Netherlands. Aaltje is the founder and former principal of the school ‘Productief Leren’ in the Netherlands, that gives early school-leavers and drop-outs a second chance at getting a diploma, and helps build their resilience. In 2016, the Aflatoun curriculum was successfully piloted at Productief Leren. As a teacher and school manager, Aaltje believes that every child deserves a good future, and to be surrounded with a strong support network. She believes in Aflatoun’s concept and social and financial curriculum, and has been one of our Global Master Trainer since 2014.  


Why do you work for Aflatoun?

I would like to use my expertise in education to successfully support young vulnerable people and bring the Aflatoun curriculum to all young people in the Netherlands. 

What is your role at Aflatoun?

I am Aflatoun Netherlands’ Education Manager: I develop the hybrid financial education lessons, maintain contacts with the schools and train the teachers who give the guest lectures, as well as the Aflatoun partners.

How would you explain what you do to a 5-year-old?

I really enjoy working with children and young people in schools to support them in making their dreams come true.  

Why is social and financial education important?  

Many young people are in debt and don’t know how to handle their money wisely. Financial education lessons at schools make them financially aware so that they can make good choices for their future. 

What do you like most about Aflatoun?

I am very enthusiastic about the whole Aflatoun curriculum with the active learning elements in which children and young people learn to think critically and learn financial, social and life skills at a high level

How do you see the future of Aflatoun in the Netherlands?

We have given financial education lessons at many schools, tutoring schools, summer and weekend schools and community centres in the Netherlands. We have also trained teachers at schools, and these schools have become Aflatoun partners. Ministries are starting to realise the importance of financial education and are taking action to implement it in schools. 

Who is a hero of yours? / Or please share with us a motto or quote close to your philosophy of life.  

‘Be the change you want to see in the world’   

Children and young people need role models. Showing good behaviour as a parent and as a teacher will help them to have good behaviour too.